To Spin


No job candidate is perfect. Everyone has their flaws. Fortunately, employers aren’t looking for perfect people, just the right people.

In public relations and politics, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through knowingly providing a biased interpretation of an event or campaigning to influence public opinion about some organization or public figure. Spin partners with cities, campuses, community groups and businesses to provide dockless scooter-share services to get you where you need to go. With Spin, you’re free to move. Founded in San Francisco, in 2016, Spin operates dockless mobility systems in cities and campuses throughout the United States. Our core team is comprised of engineers, designers, operators. The World’s #1 Indoor Cycling Program. With more than 250,000 instructors certified, Spinning ® is the most recognized certification program on the planet. Spinning ® was created by cyclists and is loved by all—athletes training for the next big race, the everyday fitness fan and everyone in between. When you become a Spinning ® Instructor, you’ll have the foundation and credential.

Honesty is always the best policy during a job interview, but that doesn’t mean you have to put your weaknesses on display. Whether it’s your resume or your personal challenges that might raise red flags with a hiring manager, addressing your weaknesses and framing them in a positive way can help you avoid making excuses or sounding defensive.

Resume Weaknesses

Even if your resume is a little less than ideal, you can put a positive spin on some of the most common trouble spots employers are likely to question.

When you don’t have much experience

Lack of experience sets up a frustrating paradox—employers want to hire people with experience, but in order to gain that experience, you have to find an employer who’ll give a person without any a chance. What to do?

To Spinner

Remember that everybody starts somewhere, and hiring managers interview inexperienced candidates all the time. When you’re still growing in your career, there’s one positive quality you can emphasize to help you win over a potential employer—enthusiasm for learning. Show the employer that not only are you able to learn, but you’re excited by the possibilities.

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Spin To Win

It’s not enough to say that you pick things up quickly, however. Everyone says that. Emphasize real-life examples of your ability to learn and adapt. If you’ve made a point to take extra classes, earn certifications, or even pursue new and interesting hobbies for the love of learning new things, take a moment to point them out. Ditto if you’re making a career change and you can point out skills from your previous job that show you’re quick on your feet.

Demonstrating that you’re a good cultural fit is also important. Skills can be trained, but finding the right personality match is much trickier for employers. Even the most qualified candidate isn’t likely to work out if she doesn’t fit in with the company’s overall vibe. If you’ve done your homework, you’ll have a good sense of the ideals the company embodies. Drawing attention to how well you’ll fit in can take the spotlight off your lack of experience.

When you have gaps in your employment


Don’t kid yourself—hiring managers are going to notice those gaps on your resume, so you’ll need to address them.

Although honesty is the best policy, there are ways to turn things around so they don’t look so troublesome. If you struggled to find a new position after a layoff, for instance, you could say that you took your time trying to ensure that your next employer was a good fit. If you took a break to raise small children, care for a family member, or even broaden your horizons by traveling, don’t be afraid to say so. You’ll come off as more genuine and sympathetic than you would if you tried to sweep those things under the rug.

If you’re able to show that you did productive things with your downtime, such as taking classes or doing volunteer work, make sure you note them. It’s important to demonstrate that your resume gap was a period of personal and professional growth and not just a time when you allowed yourself to sleep in late and binge-watch Netflix in your pajamas all day.

When you’ve hopped from job to job

In a Robert Half survey, HR managers said that having more than five jobs over a ten-year period is just too much job hopping. If you’ve made frequent job changes, be prepared to explain them.

Although moving between jobs every few years is more common these days, especially among younger workers, too many job hops in a short span of time can raise red flags. Are you never satisfied? Difficult to work with? Do you lack follow-through and commitment? The hiring manager will wonder, and it’s your responsibility to enlighten him.


Hiring managers are looking for reassurance that the company won’t go through the expense and effort of onboarding and training you only to have you leave in six months. Start by explaining why you made each career move, and be prepared to tell the hiring manager how it helped you advance your career. Be honest, but keep it positive. (Don’t say “I hated that job”, say “I felt I needed to move on to find a better fit for my skills”.) If you left because the job bored you, say that you were “looking for more of a challenge.”


Rather than getting defensive about your frequent job changes, focus instead on what you learned from each one. Be sure to play up the transferable skills you gained along the way.

Personal Weaknesses

Even if the interview process has revealed a few personal challenges—perhaps through the dreaded “What’s your greatest weakness” interview question—there are ways to spin them as positives.

When you’re a perfectionist

Employers don’t want to hire people who nitpick every little thing and make life difficult. No one wants to work with that person. Instead, say that you’re thorough and you have high standards for yourself and your own work. It’s best to leave the word “perfectionist” out of your interview altogether, even if you identify yourself as one. The Muse explains why.

When you’re quiet or shy

Shyness can be misconstrued as awkwardness or social ineptitude. Hopefully, through your interview, you’ve been able to demonstrate your ability to “people.” But, if you can’t help but let your shyness show, frame it as a “reflective nature.” Explain that you get very focused when you’re at work.

When you take a long time to do things

Sci-fi author Douglas Adams said, “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” Unfortunately, hiring managers aren’t going to view missed deadlines as a positive. If you take a while to accomplish things, don’t lie and sell yourself as someone who’s always prompt. Instead, emphasize your attention to detail and your belief that each task deserves enough time to be done right.

Whatever you do, don’t make excuses for your weaknesses. A job interview isn’t a time to defend yourself, it’s a time to present yourself in a positive way that shows why you’re the best candidate. To get more job offers, make sure to focus on your potential.

Founded in San Francisco, in 2016, Spin operates dockless mobility systems in cities and campuses throughout the United States. Our core team is comprised of engineers, designers, operators, lawyers, and public policymakers with experience from Y Combinator, Uber, Lyft, and other technology companies.

Alexandria, VA
Akron, OH
Arlington, VA
Ann Arbor, MI
Athens, OH
Atlanta, GA
Baltimore, MD
Boise, ID
Charlotte, NC
Cleveland, OH
Columbus, OH
Coral Gables, FL
Dayton, OH
Detroit, MI
Durham, NC
Fayetteville, AR
Grand Rapids, MI

Kansas City, MO
Kern County (Edwards Air Force Base), CA
King County (White Center), WA
Lexington, KY
Lincoln, NE
Los Angeles, CA
Louisville, KY
Memphis, TN
Montgomery County, MD
Nashville, TN
Omaha, NE
Orem, UT
Orlando, FL
Phoenix, AZ

Portland, OR
Providence, RI
Sacramento, CA
Salt Lake City, UT
San Diego, CA
San Marcos, TX
San Francisco, CA
St. George, UT
Stillwater, OK
St. Louis, MO
Tallahassee, FL
Tampa, FL
Washington, D.C.
West Lafayette, IN
West Sacramento, CA
Winston-Salem, NC

University of Akron
University of Arkansas
Boise State University
University of California San Diego
University of Central Florida
Duke University
George Mason University

University of Michigan
California State University, Monterey Bay
University of Nebraska
Oakland University
Ohio State University
Ohio University
Oklahoma State University
Purdue University
Sacramento State University
Texas State University
Vanderbilt University



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